Reinvent Yourself

How to Live Out Your Vision For a Meaningful Life and Career

When You Sign Up, You'll Learn How To:

🍍 Discover the 3 big questions to ask yourself that gives your life and work meaning so you can create a clear, new vision for your life/career.

🍍 Navigate the 3 common obstacles that show up when you make life changes, and move confidently venture into a new reinvention of self.

🍍 Resist societal's expectations of what you 'should do' and tune into the truth for what you need in your personal version of success.

Calm your anxiety and fears to cultivate strength and resilience so you can effectively handle obstacles, uncertainty, and setbacks.

🍍 Progress through the 5 Phases of Reinvention Framework I use with my coaching clients to guide them from feeling stuck in a life and career that doesn't fulfill them, to creating a life on purpose where their work and lifestyle choices align with their deepest values.

Presented by
Lydia Lee Screw The Cubicle
July 5, 2022
9:25am TZ

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