finding your "thing" when you’re good at everything

Feel like you’re pretty much good at everything, but still can’t figure out what your thing is? Like, you’ve got all these skills and passions, but narrowing it down to the one that really lights you up feels impossible?

You’re definitely not alone.

So many of the amazing people I work with are multi-talented and could easily do a bunch of different things. But that’s exactly where the challenge comes in, right? With all those options, how do you choose the one that really fits? It can be seriously overwhelming, and it often leaves you stuck before you even get started.

I totally get it, because I’ve been there too. I spent years trying out different paths, hoping one of them would finally feel like the right one. But what I realized is this: it’s not about forcing yourself to pick just one thing. It’s about finding that sweet spot where everything you love and are great at comes together into something that feels totally you.

This sweet spot is where your talents, passions, and what the world needs all intersect. And when you find it? That’s when everything starts to make sense. You’re not just running a’re creating something that feels deeply aligned with who you are.

So, how do you find your sweet spot?

Start by asking yourself:

What comes naturally to me? 🌊
Think about the skills that feel like second nature, the stuff people always come to you for. That’s your zone of genius.

What makes me lose track of time? ⌛
Those activities you could do for hours without noticing the clock? That’s where your passion lies.

What problems do I care about solving? 💗
Consider the issues or challenges that you’re really passionate about tackling. That’s where you can make the biggest impact.

Who do I love helping? 🤝
Think about the people you feel most connected to serving. When you align your work with helping them, it adds real meaning to what you do.

When you dig into these questions, you’ll start to see the bigger picture...where all these elements come together. That’s your sweet spot. It’s not about cutting out anything you love, but blending it all together into a business that feels right for you.

I’ve seen this happen over and over again in my Sweet Spot Intensive. When people finally discover their unique blend, everything just clicks. They’re not just starting a business. They’re living their purpose, making a real impact, and feeling more fulfilled than ever.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the possibilities or just stuck in which direction to go, maybe it’s time to dive into your sweet spot. I’d love to help you find it.

✨✨ Quick heads up: because of the demand and the depth of this work, the price for the Sweet Spot Intensive is going up from $797 to $1,500 next month. If you’ve been thinking about it, now’s the best time to grab the current rate and start building something that’s truly you.

Ready to find your thing? Let’s get you unstuck and on the path to building a business that lights you up.

Apply here to work with me 1:1.


P.S. Here's what people have said about working with me:

"Lydia’s guidance was the missing piece I needed. Her 1:1 coaching helped me refine my ideas and launch a business that feels completely aligned with who I am. The personal attention made all the difference." - Melissa

"The 1:1 sessions with Lydia were a game-changer. I went from feeling stuck in my corporate job to launching a business I love, all in just a few months." - Tracy

"Lydia’s coaching came along at the right time when I was ready to go beyond ‘sugar-coated’ support and suggestions from friends. She was committed to helping me know my own value and her coaching facilitated me in a step-by-step process of moving into a new line of work that expresses my full potential and gifts. I no longer have any excuses to keep playing it small!” - Diane

Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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