
Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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finding your "thing" when you’re good at everything

Feel like you’re pretty much good at everything, but still can’t figure out what your thing is? Like, you’ve got all these skills and passions, but narrowing it down to the one that really lights you up feels impossible? You’re definitely not alone. So many of the amazing people I work with are multi-talented and could easily do a bunch of different things. But that’s exactly where the challenge comes in, right? With all those options, how do you choose the one that really fits? It can be...

One of the hardest parts of leaving the corporate world is figuring out how to repurpose your skills into a business that actually works. That’s exactly where my client Messina was not too long ago. After years in corporate life, she had all these skills and experiences but was stuck trying to figure out how to use them in a way that aligned with her purpose. The possibilities were overwhelming, and she wasn’t sure if her business idea was even worth pursuing. So, she booked a Sweet Spot...

You’re brilliant. You’ve spent years honing your expertise, but when it comes to starting a business that actually feels like you - well, that’s where things get fuzzy, right? You know you’ve got something incredible to offer, but where do you start? How do you turn all that wisdom into a business that gives you the freedom and fulfillment you crave? I’ve been there, and I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you’re stuck in the wrong lane. But here’s the thing - finding your genius...

Hi Reader, I recently caught up with one of my awesome coaching clients, Rebecca Collins, and we had a chat about her journey from being a busy TV producer to running her own brand coaching business, the Conscious Communication School. Rebecca’s story is super inspiring, especially if you’re in that spot where you’re trying to figure out how to turn your skills into a business you love - while still keeping up with a full-time job. In our conversation, we talk about: How she went from not...

Hi Reader, Have you read "The War of Art" written by Steven Pressfield? In the book he says, “The more important a call or action to our soul's evolution, the more resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.” I think about this a lot because it’s something I hear from so many folks I talk to. They’re excited about starting a new business, but then there’s always a “but” that follows. Does this ring a bell for you? Maybe you’ve got a business idea, but you’re worried about not finding enough...

Hi Reader, Are you ready to turn your passions and skills into a business that you love waking up to every morning? I’m excited to introduce you to the Sweet Spot Session—your ultimate coaching experience to discover your unique blend of skills, wisdom, and passions, and create a focused, profitable business plan. Who is this for? Whether you're at the start of your entrepreneurial journey or a seasoned business owner seeking a pivot, the Sweet Spot Session is designed to help you uncover...

Hi Reader, I know you're excited about starting your own business and the freedom that comes with being your own boss. But I also know that figuring out exactly what kind of business to start can be one of the most frustrating challenges. Trust me, you're not alone – I've been there too, and so have many of my clients. Finding Your Sweet Spot Your sweet spot is the intersection of three critical areas: Mastery: Your skills, gifts, and talents. Deep Interest: What you love doing and can...

Starting a business or evolving an existing one can be super exciting, but let's be real – it can also feel incredibly overwhelming. If you've ever found yourself spinning in circles, unsure of which direction to take, or feeling stuck because you have so many passions and talents but no clear path, you're not alone. It keeps so many people stuck from launching their dream business and feeling clear on where to start. But I believe we all have a Sweet Spot ✨ for work that offers the unique...

Do you remember the thrill of exploration you felt during your first job? There was a time when everything was possible and every opportunity was a learning curve. But somewhere along the way, amid the routine, that sense of adventure might have dimmed. Especially if you've been circling around the idea of starting your own business. Let me share a story. I once worked with a client named Anna. After two decades in accounting, with her children grown and out of the house, Anna felt a void....

Feeling stuck in the grind, dreaming of a business that truly reflects who you are? We can easily get lost in the to-do's and tasks in our businesses, but are the activities we're doing a reflection of the most meaningful things we want our work to represent? Rarely do we take time to get clear on the true purpose behind our business. Because here’s the thing: your business isn’t just a business. It’s a testament to your life’s work. We have to get back to what matters most: Creating a...