Stuck in Your 9-5? Here’s How Rebecca Escaped

Hi Reader,

I recently caught up with one of my awesome coaching clients, Rebecca Collins, and we had a chat about her journey from being a busy TV producer to running her own brand coaching business, the Conscious Communication School.

Rebecca’s story is super inspiring, especially if you’re in that spot where you’re trying to figure out how to turn your skills into a business you love - while still keeping up with a full-time job.

In our conversation, we talk about:

  • How she went from not knowing where to start to finding her perfect business idea.
  • The challenges of juggling work and building a business on the side.
  • The magic of beta testing and how it gave her the confidence to move forward.
  • The simple systems she put in place to keep everything running smoothly.
  • Why building a community was key to her growth.

Rebecca’s journey is packed with real talk and actionable steps - perfect if you’re ready to turn your own business dreams into reality!

👉 Check out our interview here!

Also, if you want to learn how to create more effective content for your audience, you can take her Free Brand Audit! You'll be guided through a brand audit that'll teach you how well you know your brand, where to improve your brand strategy, and the steps you need to take to captivate your dream clients.



⚡ P.S. Remember my Sweet Spot Sessions? It’s my 1:1 Coaching Intensive for helping you find your most marketable skills so you can build a thriving meaningful business based on your own personal unique value, just like Rebecca.

Well, it’s been a hit. The results have been outstanding and demand is growing fast. So much so, that I’m going to be doubling the price next month (from $797 to $1,500). I’m giving my community one last chance to get in at the current price, so if you’ve been considering it, make your first wise business decision and apply to find your business sweet spot while the price is at the lowest it will ever be.

Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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