the kind of wealth we don't talk enough about

Lately, I’ve found myself reflecting on what wealth really means. For a long time, I believed it was tied to financial success.

Having more, earning more, achieving more.

But these days, my definition of wealth has expanded in ways I never anticipated.

Yes, financial stability matters. But I’ve come to realize that true wealth is so much more than money in the bank. It’s about having time.

Time to pause, breathe, and experience joy, like those daily walks with Scruffy or the quiet mornings spent sipping coffee with no rush. It’s about space in my calendar, about freedom from the constant hustle. It’s about having room to think, to create, and to just be.

For the longest time, I thought success looked like a big house and a packed work schedule. But what I really craved was freedom: freedom to design my days, invest in relationships that nourish me, and work in a way that didn’t drain my soul.

What about you? Have you ever felt like you’re chasing someone else’s definition of wealth? What if wealth, in the truest sense, isn’t about possessions or status, but about how deeply and fully we’re able to live our lives?

When we think about wealth, do we even ask ourselves the right questions?

...what would your life look like if you had more time to invest in the relationships that matter?

...what passions would you pursue if your schedule was designed by you, rather than the demands of other people's agendas? would your business feel if it supported your life instead of draining it?

It’s easy to get caught up in the grind, focusing on constant earning and achieving. But what’s the point of financial wealth if it comes at the cost of everything else?

I’ve been asking myself these questions, and I invite you to do the same. What does true wealth mean to you? Is it the freedom to spend your time as you wish, the health to fully enjoy life's pleasures, the deep connections with loved ones, or perhaps all of these?

More importantly, how can you begin to shift your life and business toward this authentic version of abundance?

If you're ready to redefine wealth on your own terms and create a life that truly reflects your deepest values, consider joining me for a Sweet Spot Session. Together, we'll uncover how to align your passions and talents with a purposeful business that supports the lifestyle you desire—one where richness is measured by fulfillment, not just finances.

For those who want a more personalized journey toward this new definition of success, my 1:1 coaching program offers tailored support to help you build a business that not only provides financial stability but also enriches your life in ALL the ways that matter most to you.

✨ To your freedom,


Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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