What's Really Stopping You from Starting Your Dream Business?

Hi Reader,

Have you read "The War of Art" written by Steven Pressfield? In the book he says, “The more important a call or action to our soul's evolution, the more resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.”

I think about this a lot because it’s something I hear from so many folks I talk to. They’re excited about starting a new business, but then there’s always a “but” that follows.

Does this ring a bell for you?

  • Maybe you’ve got a business idea, but you’re worried about not finding enough clients.
  • Or you’re tempted to switch careers, but what if you don’t cut it in a new industry?

These worries often feel like huge stop signs. But guess what? They're actually pretty good signs that you're onto something big. They mean you're stepping up, out of your comfy old routine—right where the magic of growth happens.

Let’s Talk About Resistance and How to Kick It to the Curb...

🙊 Perfectionism...
It’s that sneaky voice saying you need the perfect plan to get started. But waiting for everything to align perfectly is like waiting for stars to make your bed—never gonna happen, right? Just start with what you have, where you are. You’ll figure out the finer details as you go along. Action is the best clarity-bringer.

🙉 Analysis Paralysis...
It’s comfy to keep learning and planning, isn’t it? But if you don’t start putting those plans into action, they’re just pretty thoughts. Set a small, doable goal for this week. Something that pushes you a bit but is totally achievable. That's how you break the cycle.

🙈 Overwhelm from Big Dreams...
Dreaming big is great, but trying to do it all at once can stop you in your tracks. How about starting with just one small part of that dream? Get some real feedback, tweak, and then build from there. It’s less daunting and actually gets you moving.

Here Are a Few Practical Ways to Beat Resistance and Get Going:

Pilot Your Idea: Launch a simple version of your service or product. Think of it as a test run. What’s the minimum you need to start getting feedback? That’s your starting point.

Find Your Community: Doing this alone can get tough. Find a few people who get what you’re trying to do. They can be cheerleaders, sounding boards, or just there to remind you why you started on the tough days.

Celebrate the Little Victories: Every little success is a step forward. Sold your first product? That's a win. Got positive feedback? Another win. These moments build momentum and show you’re on the right path.

Think You’re Ready to Dive In?

Our 90 Day Launch Academy is kicking off again and I'll be offering a bonus of 2 x 1:1 coaching sessions for new students. I'm going to help you turn your business idea into reality with hands-on guidance and real-world steps.

Interested or just curious? Hit reply with "90 Day Launch" and let’s chat about getting you in. Why keep dreaming when you can start doing?

Can’t wait to hear from you,


P.S. This month, we’re starting a special group for those ready to ditch the 9-5 and do their own thing. It’s tailored, it’s focused, and it might just be what you need. Let me know if that sounds like your cup of tea by simply replying to this email!

Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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