Tips to Discover Your Ideal Business Idea đź’ˇ

Hi Reader,

I know you're excited about starting your own business and the freedom that comes with being your own boss. But I also know that figuring out exactly what kind of business to start can be one of the most frustrating challenges. Trust me, you're not alone – I've been there too, and so have many of my clients.

Finding Your Sweet Spot

Your sweet spot is the intersection of three critical areas:

  1. Mastery: Your skills, gifts, and talents.
  2. Deep Interest: What you love doing and can sustain long-term.
  3. Impact: The transformation and purpose your work will bring to others.

1. Mastery: Inventory Your Skills

Start by taking inventory of your skills. Use sticky notes to jot down everything you know how to do, both from your professional and personal life. Think about the talents you've been paid for and the accomplishments you've achieved. Remember, your skills aren't limited to your resume—consider your personal achievements as well.

2. Deep Interest: Follow Your Passion

Next, focus on what you're deeply interested in. This might be an area you're passionate about or a topic you love learning more about. Consider changing who you help with your skills—sometimes, helping a different audience can bring new life to your expertise. Think about the problems you're excited to solve and where your skills can make the most impact.

3. Impact: Create Meaningful Change

Finally, think about the impact you want to have. What transformation do you want to bring to your clients? What's the bigger cause or movement you're passionate about? Understanding the ripple effect of your work can provide the motivation and energy needed to sustain your business long-term.

Need Help Finding Your Sweet Spot?

If you’re interested in exploring this further and want some hands-on help, I’d love to support you. My Sweet Spot Session is designed to help you find your sweet spot, giving you the clarity and confidence to move forward with your business idea.

Here are the results of people who have gone through the Sweet Spot Session to get the kickstart they need to finally start their ideal business.

Learn more about the Sweet Spot Session here and fill out the application form to get started.

I want to help you build a business that feels right for you, whether you’re just starting out or looking to pivot. Finding your sweet spot can make all the difference!




P.S. Want a behind-the-scenes walkthrough of what to expect in the Sweet Spot Session? Here's a sneak peek of the Sweet Spot Biz Plan you'll get!​

Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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