Why Waiting for the Perfect Business Idea Could Be Holding You Back

Do you remember the thrill of exploration you felt during your first job? There was a time when everything was possible and every opportunity was a learning curve. But somewhere along the way, amid the routine, that sense of adventure might have dimmed. Especially if you've been circling around the idea of starting your own business.

Let me share a story. I once worked with a client named Anna. After two decades in accounting, with her children grown and out of the house, Anna felt a void. Her career no longer excited her, and the thrill of new challenges had faded into the background. Like many, she believed she needed a perfect business idea to reignite her passion. Every idea she considered seemed fraught with ‘what ifs’ and not quite right, leading to endless cycles of hesitation.

Here’s a liberating truth: Perfectionism is just fear dressed up in disguise.

Anna and I sat down and redefined what success looked like for her. We moved away from the elusive ‘perfect idea’ and shifted our focus to what was ‘Right For Right Now.’ It wasn't about finding an idea that would last forever but one that suited her current situation and leveraged her existing skills.

What changed? Anna started a consultancy focusing not just on crunching numbers but on teaching financial empowerment. She tapped into her true strength—her empathetic approach to people struggling with their finances. Anna’s shift from traditional accounting to making a meaningful impact in people’s financial lives was not just successful...it was transformative.

Why am I telling you this? Because like Anna, you might be overlooking the value of starting right where you are with what you already have.

So, what if instead of searching for that perfect idea, you explored an idea that is perfect for right now?

Imagine starting something that fits your current skills and life goals. An idea that allows you to test, learn, and pivot as you grow. That's the heart of our 90 Day Launch Academy—helping you move from paralysis to progress.

If you’re ready to discover work that ignites your passion and utilizes your years of experience, let’s talk.

You don’t have to have it all figured out to start, but you do need to start to figure it all out. Let’s uncover the business that not only makes sense for your skills but energizes your day-to-day life.

Interested? Simply reply with "90 Day Launch" in the subject, and I'll get back to you.


P.S. I’m putting together a small case study group this May.

We’re going to focus on transitioning out of your 9-5 job to leveraging the skills you’ve got to launch your own business.

Here’s what I’m looking for:

  • You want to leave your 9-5 job and create a service-based business that lets you engage with soul-fulfilling and meaningful work.
  • You want to repurpose your existing skills and experience while you launch that business.
  • You have 5-10 years of experience in your career, and you’re already making at least $50k/year.
  • You’re committed to your dreams and ready to do the work.
  • You have a coachable spirit and are open to expanding your mindset.

If that’s you, hit reply to this, and let me know a little about where you’re at with your business!

Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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