Discover Your Business Sweet Spot with Me!

Starting a business or evolving an existing one can be super exciting, but let's be real – it can also feel incredibly overwhelming.

If you've ever found yourself spinning in circles, unsure of which direction to take, or feeling stuck because you have so many passions and talents but no clear path, you're not alone.

It keeps so many people stuck from launching their dream business and feeling clear on where to start.

But I believe we all have a Sweet Spot ✨ for work that offers the unique value that people can’t wait to hire you for.

Your Sweet Spot is where the intersection of your Mastery, Deep Interests, and Impact supports you in creating the most meaningful work you'll enjoy (and gets you paid).

Here's a fancy diagram to see what it looks like...😉

Without clarity on your Sweet Spot, you might:

🙈 Start the Wrong Business: Investing time and resources into a business that doesn’t align with your true passions can leave you feeling unfulfilled and stuck.

😥 Procrastinate on Your Dream: Without a clear direction, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of overthinking and inaction, delaying the launch of your dream business.

🤯 Feel Overwhelmed: Juggling multiple ideas and not knowing where to focus can be mentally exhausting and prevent you from making real progress.

🚫 Miss Out on Opportunities: Lack of clarity can lead to missed opportunities to connect with the right clients and make a meaningful impact.

This is exactly where my Sweet Spot Session transforms your fuzzy ideas into a clear and confident business plan!

What’s the Sweet Spot Session all about?

The Sweet Spot Session is a unique coaching experience designed to help you find the perfect blend of your skills, wisdom, and passions to create a focused business plan that feels authentically you.

The Sweet Spot Session is perfect for:

  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: If you’re just starting out and feeling unsure about what type of business to launch or how to harness your diverse talents, this is for you.
  • Current Business Owners: If you’re looking to pivot, transition, or breathe new life into your existing business, we’ll help you discover a more purposeful path that aligns with your evolved vision and goals.

👀 Watch the video walkthrough of how I'll help you design your Sweet Spot Business Plan which includes:

  • How I'll help you merge your skills, deep interests, and impact into a business idea focus.
  • The breakdown of your Sweet Spot Plan - your Clients, Scope of Work, Offers, and Marketing Strategy.
  • Real business examples to help you see how others are making a great living in your niche.

Click to play below!

The Summary of What You Get:

  1. 90-Minute Coaching Session: We'll dive deep into your work history, uncover your unique value proposition, and articulate how to bring your distinct offerings to the marketplace.
  2. Personalized Sweet Spot Business Plan: I'll craft a detailed plan tailored just for you after our session. This plan will guide your next steps and ensure you feel clear, confident, and ready to take action.
  3. Post-Coaching Support: You’ll have two weeks of follow-up support where I’ll provide feedback, help you take the first steps, and keep you accountable.

I'm going to help you merge your professional and personal experiences into something uniquely yours.

Together, we'll find the “right for right now” business idea that keeps you motivated and moving forward. From identifying your ideal clients to your marketing strategies, I got you.

Ready to Find Your Sweet Spot?

If this sounds like exactly what you need, let's make it happen!

Just fill out the application to book your Sweet Spot Session, and I’ll take it from there. I'll review your application to ensure we're the perfect fit and then we’ll dive in.

I can’t wait to work with you and help you build the business of your dreams. Let’s turn your passions into a purposeful and profitable business!

Talk soon,


P.S. If you’ve been asking “What business should I start?” or “How do I figure out what my ‘thing’ is?”, remember that clarity and confidence are just a Sweet Spot Session away. 🌟

Screw The Cubicle

Hi, I'm Lydia! I'm a Work Reinvention Coach & Solopreneur Strategist. Every month, I share real advice on career transitions, creating meaningful work, and building a lifestyle business you love.

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